Frisbie’s Cardiac Rehabilitation program earns recertification
Frisbie Memorial Hospital is pleased to announce that its Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation program has earned recertification by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) through its Certified Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. Programs earning recertification must complete a comprehensive application process, and demonstrate that it has in place efficacious program elements, policies and protocols to meet process measure specifications in the areas of:
- Program Staff & Competencies
- Individualized Treatment Plan
- Medical Emergencies
- Emergency Preparedness
- Exercise Prescription Policy
- Improvement in Functional Capacity
- Optimal Blood Pressure Control
- Tobacco Use Intervention
- Improvement of Depression
Frisbie Memorial Hospitals Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation program is designed to help patients improve their health and overall feeling of well-being through regular exercise sessions and health education to help patients manage chronic disease and reduce risk factors for future health problems.
The AACVPR Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Certification process is the only peer-review accreditation process designed to review individual facilities for adherence to standards and guidelines developed and published by AACVPR and other professional societies.