Ten to 15 percent of strokes occur in people 45 or younger, many of whom are fooled into thinking the symptoms are caused by something else. If you’re treated in the ER within three to four hours, you have the best chance of a full recovery. If not, you can end up suffering permanent damage.
Would you recognize these five main symptoms?
1. Numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
You’re too young for a stroke, right? So it has to be a seizure or migraine. But if it’s a stroke you have only three to four hours to get to the ER.
2. Confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech
It could be hypoglycemia, dehydration or alcohol or drug abuse. But it could also be a stroke. If it is, you have only three to four hours to get to the ER.
3. Trouble seeing in one or both eyes
Is it low blood pressure, an eye injury, diabetes...or stroke? If it’s a stroke you have only three to four hours to get to the ER.
4. Difficulty walking, dizziness or loss of balance or coordination
Just alcohol intoxication, right? But what if it’s a stroke? If so, you have only three to four hours to get to the ER.
5. Sudden severe headache with no known cause
Surely a migraine. Maybe a sinus issue. But if it’s a stroke you have only three to four hours to get to the ER.